Walking from Kassel to Athens in 2017, performance artist Marinka Limat is collecting encounters. Involving people she never met before. Certain encounters do not work, others are missed, and sometimes avoiding an encounter is the better option.
Learning from the in-between of the two documenta-14’s capitals, the artist is unfolding her practise of encountering in front of our eyes.
Switzerland, 2022, FDEe, 29min.
DOK MOBILE, Fribourg
Directed by
Marinka Limat,
in collaboration with
Wendy Pillonel
and Judith Holly
Marinka Limat
Mark Olexa
Steven Vit
Dennis Gnoni Visconti
Marinka Limat
Additional Cinematography,
Color Grading:
Ramón Königshausen
Miles Zuberbühler
Arian de Raeymaecker
Sound Editing:
Florian Pittet
Julian Gresenz, Pointdevue
Screening Coordinator:
Judith Holly
Jelena Fassbender
Martin Fyles
Evangelos Zoidis
Communication Design:
Thomas Lehner
André Vladimir Heiz
Une ?
Une chose est sûre: je pars à la rencontre de la rencontre.
“This film’s dramaturgy is shaped by the road, its music by the rhythm of her walk, its minor dramas by the stumbling, fallible and incredibly human moments of the encounters.”
Gergely Nagy
“Not only did an ephemeral art of encounter gradually emerge during the filming, but the audience as well becomes part of this art while watching.”
Regula Saner
“Some episodes you would like to listen for longer. But this documentary essay is all about the brief and elusive, but nevertheless memorable encounters of a passing by.”
Céline Graf
"This film is a counter project:
It shows how dialog can work against crises. Immediate. Unplannable. Unpredictable. Direct."
Marina Porobic
Curator and art historian, 24/7/23
"The artist binds fundamental human qualities in an expressive form, thus giving the audience new, unfamiliar perspectives."
Ursula Burgherr
Media Coverage
A MŰ online: “Marinka Limat walked from Kassel to Athens (…)” (Translation from HUN)
Anna Anders
Véronique Aubouy
Françoise Bader
Nadia Bader
Christine and Francis Baeriswyl
Grégoire Bagnoud
Peer Van Bakel
Yvette Balmat
Patrick de Balthasar
Chantal Bapst
Camille & Matthieu Barbezat-Villetard
Vital Barras
Christiane Baudin
Michel & Thérèse Bavaud
Thomas Beck
Nicolas Berger
Antoinette & Gérard Bernet
Marie-Thérèse and Louis Bielmann
David Bischof
Philippe Bischof
Jeremie Blanchard
Virginie Bonnet
Martine Bourqui
François Bouverat
Anna Brugger
Marcel and Sylvia Brühlhart
Patricia Jäggi and Christophe Brünggel
Elisabeth Buchs
Daniel Cantini
Jehanne Carnal
Soeur Carron
Sabrina Casali
Hugo & Marie-Thérèse Casanova
Soeurs Charité de la Sainte Croix d'Ingenbohl
André & Danièle Chatton
Jean-Marie Déglise
Serge Desarnaulds
Nathalie Dessarzin
Christiane & Jean-Marc Devaud
Florian Dombois
Marie-Françoise Domon
Jean-Pierre Ducrest
Marie-Gaëlle Ducrest
Patrick & Marie Dupasquier
Elisabeth & Claude Ecoffey
Charles-Albert Egger
David Eustache
Florence Eustache
Axel Van Exel
Adrian Fahrländer
Cornelia Feyll & Friedrich Forssman
Rosa Fischer
Aurélie Fourel
Mary Freiburghaus
Cosima Frieden
Martin Fyles
Marie-Céline Gachet
Régine Gapany
Hubertus von Gemmingen
Jo and Marie-Jo Geinoz
Claude Gendre
Gabriela Gerber
Claire-Dominique Gindroz
Annie Gisler
Benoît Gisler
Frédéric Graf
Isabelle-Loyse Gremaud
Oliver Greuter-Wehn
Yara Greuter
Julie Grivel
Alain Guerry
Delphine Guerry
Dida Guigan
Marianne & Louis Guinnard
Philippe Guntert
Konstantin Gutscher
Christine Haas
Stella Händler
Corinne Harris
Céline Henguely
Klaus Herrsche
Deborah Higelin
Lukas Imhof
Urs Imhof
Laurence Jacquaz
Alexandre Jacquet
André Jecker
Esther Maria Jungo
Sonja Knecht
Markus Koch
Jana Kouril
Délia Krayenbuhl
Martin Lambiel
Madeleine Lecuyer
John & Regula Lehmann
Ernst & Sybille Lehner
Susanne Lehner
Thomas Lehner
Letizia Lenherr Smith
Tim Leu
Roger Levy
Marcel Liard
Alain & Lotti Limat
Danitza Limat
Jacques & Trudy Limat
Jenny Limat
Yan Limat
Jean-Michel Loup
Rachel Mader
Claudine Maillard
Martin Maillard
Elizabeth Mantel
Gabrielle Maradan & Joëlle Rossier
Jean-Luc Maradan
Nicolas Maradan
Paul-Henri Marguet
Nathalie Markevtich
Ilona Marti
Véronique Marti
Jean-Bernard Menoud
Kodo Miura
Alain Monod
Marlène Morard
Charles Morerod
Danielle Nuoffer
Alessa Panayiotou
Graziella Parrinello
Claudine & Philippe Pasquier
Franziska & Martin Perini
Tom Pfister
Aline Pieth
Wendy Pillonel
Isabelle Pilloud
Marie-Anne Pinheiro
Aurélia Portmann
Raboud Group
Robert Radziejewski
Vera Reifler
Marie Louise Reinert
Patric Reves
Benoît & Marie-Claire Rey
Céline Rey
Jeanne & Grégory Rey Pellissier
Isabel Romero
Claude Rossi
Sandra Sabino
Francisco Saco
Isabelle & Gaston Sapin
André & Bernadette Schaub
Gabriel Schenk
Catherine Schlaefli & Geneviève Romang
Oliver Schnetzler & Valérie Buchs
Albrecht Schnider
Manuel Schuepfer
Christophe & Nasso Siffert
Emilie Sousa
Mirjana & Bojan Stankovic
Liliane Sticher
Annette Sudan
Laurent & Muriel Sudan
Olivier Suter
Philippe Trinchan
Angelica Tschachtli
Michel Tschirren
Dominik Tomasik
Ivo Vonlanthen
Jacky Vuagniaux
Simone Waeber
Daniel Walser
Edgar Walthert
Jean-Marc & Chantal Wicht
Hans Witschi
Andrea Wolfensberger
Patrice & Yolande Zurich
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